The recent conviction of Donald Trump in New York, where he was found guilty of 34 felonies, is a pivotal moment in American history. Finally, a man who has repeatedly disgraced the highest office in the land is being held accountable for his actions.

Let’s not sugarcoat this: Donald Trump’s conviction is a long-overdue reckoning. For years, he has evaded accountability. He’s skated on his wealth and influence. But no more. The Manhattan District Attorney’s office did the impossible: they brought Trump to justice. This conviction, centered on falsifying business records related to hush money payments, is a clear message that no one, not even a former president, is above the law.

Trump’s supporters are doubling down on their delusion. Within hours of the verdict, his campaign coffers swelled with donations. It’s astonishing to see so many Americans throwing their money at a convicted felon, buying into the narrative that this is all a politically motivated witch hunt. But let us be clear: this is not a witch hunt. This is justice.

It’s essential to remember that Trump’s history of misdeeds and shady dealings didn’t start with the hush-money scandal. And it won’t end here. His entire career has been a series of ethical breaches and outright illegal activities.

For those who want to understand the full extent of Trump’s disgraceful behavior, I highly recommend getting a sneak peek of “Trump’s Hot Bot.” This book lays bare the tumultuous world of Donald Trump, from his real estate scams to his reality TV antics and his disastrous political career.

America must never forget the lessons learned from the era of Trump. He is a con artist and a criminal, and history will remember him as such.

Buy the book on AMAZON.

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